No.6 岡山→大阪 (JAMBUS) 高速バス・夜行バス乗車体験記






高速バスの感想の報告2008.5.31.  記 Desiree







岡山→大阪 高速・夜行バス 比較・時刻表



Night Bus was quite comfortable. You can sleep easily and they try to improve their service as much as they can in order to make people satisfied. But JAMBUS was a little bit different. Usually I got a blanket and pair of slippers for. This time, I wear shoes with very high heels. So when I was walking on the aisle, I made everybody awake. If there were slippers to change, I could turn of my high heels... In JAMBUS there were many girls with this kind of shoes and on each stop they walked in and out.. so everybody got awake by them. ... so maybe each bus should provide us this flippers?!


The service... yeah... I think it was ok. A lot of break, good and save driving...but the bus was half-full and we were not allowed to spread out. if a bus is almost empty, why should everybody have a neighbor? It may be more comfortable to have two seats to sleep. And it was just half full. So it was possible to have two seats.!!!


But using night bus is good to travel. Because it is very cheap though. My ticket from Okayama to Osaka was just 1600yen! That`s a really good deal!!!!


